1979 -  Sophomores

Classes Sports Clubs/Assns., etc. Candids

Jane lost seven golf balls.

That tidbit from Mr. DeMauriac's inane daily trivia quizzes about this whiny excuse for a book is all I care to remember of it.  (Well, and the kid who "blew the roof off" with a fart.)

Six of us had the audacity to enroll in, and pass, Mr. Graf's chemistry class, an area that before had never been explored by sophomores.  To my knowledge, no language can accurately describe the French II teacher (granted, I am somewhat jaded as that was my only C+ ever!).

This was also the Webmaster's first of three years of being in charge of the school ID Card process.  The photographers seemed not to care how long I stayed 18, and they were treated a "legal tender" at The Boot and several other Uptown bars.

"Sophomoric this."


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Varsity Football Junior Varsity Football

Varsity Volleyball State Champions Junior Varsity Volleyball

Varsity Basketball Junior Varsity Basketball

Varsity Cheerleaders

Varsity Girls Basketball Junior Varsity Girls Basketball

Wrestling - when it started getting fun.

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Clubs, Associations, Organizations, Committees

Soccer Soccer Managers

Chorus Instrumental Instrumental

Halo Lyre Sports Magazine

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Obvious trouble brewing here...

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